Degree Ceremony Procedure


The Praelector will offer his right hand to the first four graduands, who will each clasp an appropriate finger with their RIGHT hands. He will then introduce them to the Vice-Chancellor.  When this introduction is finished, the four will release the Praelector’s fingers.

The Esquire Bedell (on the Vice-Chancellor’s right) will then call each by name. When called, each graduand kneels down with a straight back before the Vice-Chancellor, holding his or her hands palm to palm in the manner of prayer over the Vice-Chancellor’s lap, for the Vice-Chancellor to clasp without having to lean forward. (If a square is being carried, place it on the ground by the side of the hassock but do not forget to pick it up again).  The Vice-Chancellor will declare the graduand admitted. The graduate then steps back and bows and leaves the Senate House by the door at the right behind the Vice-Chancellor. The Praelector will then introduce the second four, and so on.

The formula which will normally be used by the Vice-Chancellor in admitting you to your degree contains the words ‘In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti’ (‘in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost’).  You may, however, wish to be admitted without this part of the formula. If so, please select this option on CamSIS when registering for your Degree. 

You may prefer to be admitted 'in nomine Dei', i.e., 'in the name of God', or 'non-Trinitarian' (no reference to religion at all). Please select one of these options on CamSIS when registering for your Degree.

Graduands kneel before the Vice-Chancellor when receiving their degree. If, however, kneeling is incompatible with your religious beliefs, you may stand.  If you wish to stand, please select this option on CamSIS when registering for your Degree.